Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Fall Sessions

Start Thinking About Your Family Photos Now

I cannot believe I am posting about fall sessions on a late night in July, but it really is time to start thinking about it now. Stores are starting to put summer clothes on clearance and the fall colors are creeping into the displays. It's hot and muggy down here in NC, but before we know it the long days of summer will be over. School will start back up, fall sports will get into full swing and soon we will be getting ready for Halloween, Thanksgiving and then, of course, the holiday season! 

I have vowed to get ahead of myself this year. I have to. We have a big family reunion planned in October, so I already know that I am more limited in the weekends that I will have available for sessions. If you have been thinking about booking a session with me this fall, please start contacting me now so we can get your session on the calendar. I will have a limited number of mini sessions again this year, but they will be early (September). I am hoping to solidify the details for those soon.

Here are some photos of one of my favorite families from last fall. These were taken in late November at a local park in Cary. It was actually very cold that day. Look at how well the clothes compliment each other. The mom was conscious of layers and textures, but also kept the kids in clothes that they would normally wear and would be comfortable in. She thought of everything even down to the shoes (which many forget to think about). 

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